MBA Frankfurt Part- Time MBA

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

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Daten & Fakten

The part-time MBA curriculum (60 ECTS) is a 21-month learning experience, which is divided into core lectures, elective modules, and a 5-month thesis period. Our business MBA programme includes a module abroad to either Europe (Oslo) or Asia (e.g., Singapore or Shanghai) and you can choose from many different electives.

The programme requires 61 lecture days (including 30 weekdays). Two module

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Wirtschaft & Recht
Abschluss: Master of Business Administration
Regelstudienzeit: 20 months
Akkreditierung: AACSB, EQUIS, EMBA
Standort: Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, München
Studienform: BerufsbegleitendTeilzeitstudium
Studienstart: October
Sprachen: English