B.A. Management in International Business (Englisch)

Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management

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Daten & Fakten

Our English track B.A. in Management in International Business will help you realise your dreams, teaching you recognised management techniques as well as essential intercultural skills.
Additional to a great company network and good contacts to universities abroad, the B.A. Management in International Business offers the possibility to obtain a second international degree in cooperation with the

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Wirtschaft & Recht
Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts
Regelstudienzeit: 6 Semester
Akkreditierung: FIBAA
Standort: Mannheim
Studienform: VollzeitstudiumTeilzeitstudiumInternationaler Studiengang
Studienstart: Sommersemester und Wintersemester
Sprachen: Englisch