Master Lighting Design (Fernstudium)

WINGS-Fernstudium an der Hochschule Wismar

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Daten & Fakten

The part time master programme Lighting Design offers students the opportunity to work in many related fields. The main goal of this professional studies course is to gain skills in terms of designing the interactions between architecture and light. Furthermore the course offers design management modules which will allow graduates to run major projects or organize an office.

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Kunst, Gestaltung & Musik
Abschluss: International anerkannter Hochschulabschluss "Master of Arts (M.A.)"
Regelstudienzeit: 5 Semester
Akkreditierung: ZEvA
Standort: Wismar, Bangkok, Singapore
Studienform: FernstudiumInternationaler Studiengang
Studienstart: Wintersemester
Sprachen: English

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