MBA in International Hospitality Management

Hotelschool The Hague

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Daten & Fakten

Hotelschool The Hague has designed a 13 month full-time MBA Programme with a focus on business development, concept innovation and change management. Developed from the demands of the industry, the MBA Programme is designed to challenge you, as a future leader in service innovation. You learn to excel and make a difference in industries where hospitality is or will become a key differentiator.

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Wirtschaft & Recht
Abschluss: Master of Business Administration in <br> International Hospitality Management MBA.HM
Regelstudienzeit: 13 Monate
Akkreditierung: Fully accredited by the Dutch/Flemish Accreditation Committee
Standort: Amsterdam, The Hague
Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
Studienstart: September
Sprachen: Englisch