Bachelor Hospitality Management

Hotelschool The Hague

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Daten & Fakten

You explore the world of hospitality, participating in two international internships. During the Bachelor Programme you develop your social skills, business skills and practical skills. You will form lifelong friendships during your first year on campus accommodation. After four years, you graduate with a Hotelschool The Hague Bachelor’s Degree and excellent career opportunities.

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Wirtschaft & Recht
Abschluss: Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel Management (BBA.HM)
Regelstudienzeit: 4 Jahre
Akkreditierung: Fully accredited by the Dutch/Flemish Accreditation Committee
Standort: Amsterdam, The Hague
Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
Studienstart: Februar und August
Sprachen: Englisch