Social Work as a Human Rights Profession (MA-SWHR)

Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin

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Daten & Fakten

The MA-SWHR is a research-oriented, partially internet-based program, combining the field of social work with human rights issues.

Social work and human rights are frequently encountered when working with vulnerable groups such as children or migrants respectively when working on issues related to the right to health, to the social challenge of poverty, to social exclusion, to discrimination

Fakultät/Fachbereich: Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Abschluss: Master of Arts
Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester
Akkreditierung: staatlich anerkannt
Standort: Berlin
Studienform: VollzeitstudiumInternationaler Studiengang
Studienstart: WiSe
Sprachen: Englisch